The Council is committed to flexible working by creating the right environment that supports 'agile by default'. This provides the opportunity to work more effectively by considering the workstyle profiles of all employees so that they can manage their work/life balance and deliver great service to our customers. We offer the ability for employees in most jobs, to work part time*, term time*, job share*,compressed hours, agile working, homeworking (where appropriate) or, for certain types of posts flexi time. (*these type of flexible working is available to school based employees, subject to the agreement of the governing body).
Special Leave The Council recognises that there are times when employees will need short periods of time off work to deal with family and domestic situations. Also, we recognise that many areas of public service are reliant on the support and good will of employers who allow employees time off to attend to such duties. The Council wishes to encourage its employees to enter into public service, but must balance this with the needs of service users.
The Council supports employees to take a reasonable amount ofunpaid time off to deal with unexpected situations involving a dependent and tomake any necessary longer term arrangements.
Paternity, Maternity and Adoption Support The Council recognises that employees may wish to combine family and working life, and has in place a variety of policies to assist with this. As well as traditional entitlements in our Maternityand Paternity Leave policies, we recognise the additional responsibilities brought about by the arrival of a new baby, or the adoption of a child, and provide entitlements to Adoption Leave, Adoption Support Leave and Maternity Support Leave. In addition, under our Maternity and Parental Leave policies there is an individual right for a parent (including same sex couples) to take unpaid time off work to look after a child or make arrangements for a child’s welfare. Parents can use it to spend more time with children and strike a better balance between their work and family commitments. Our policies expand on the statutory minimum rights contained in employment legislation and offer a generous provision of parental leave for employees.